23 則留言:
what your friend bought should be some investment linked insurance products....
otherwise, the redemption fee should not be as much as 10%
normal investment funds only charge subscription fee, not redemption fee
我都有買這些 investment linked insurance. 現在賣又蝕好多,唔賣又要繼續供,但供了又真像馬沙兄講的泥牛入海...sigh...
fr. hongkonguide
"what your friend bought should be some investment linked insurance products...."
看來是買了保險公司(或銀行)的某種月供或年供的投資基金 (即所謂101投連險) , 而且是條款非常『揦脷』的一種.
以本人所知, 不同保險公司提供的投資基金 (101投連險) 條款相差甚遠, 而同一保險公司的投資基金亦有很多種類, 部份擺明是搵投資者老襯的, 部份則較為公道.
關於後者, 可以舉例說, 某全球最大的歐資保險公司提供的一種產品只需月供或年供兩三年, 之後可以選擇續供或不再供款, 另外可以選擇在七年, 十年, 十多年, 或更長時間之後贖回而不必扣除手續費, 其間保險公司有若干回饋.
又係101基金, 我之前都寫左篇。
閣下所舉例的101基金, 每年收取的保單管理費高達4%, 擺明是搵老襯.
據我所知, 某全球最大的歐資保險公司提供的101基金, 每年僅收取大約1 (或2, 本人記憶力有限, 不能確定) 點幾個百分比, 低於其他保險公司出售的基金產品, 遑論銀行出售的.
101 基金真係唔好買,手續費貴,提早贖回又要扣巨額手續費。
如果真係要買基金,選 direct fund 都千萬不要選 investment-linked insurance !
各間保險公司提供的101基金 (investment-linked insurance) 有極大的差別, 投資者若盲目信任保險經紀, 隨時會被誤導而買入搵老襯的, 某雜誌亦曾報道某大學財務學系教授亦上釣.
若懂得挑選, 小投資者向某保險公司購買101基金, 較向銀行買入基金便宜, 手續費會較低, 只不過資金要被鎖死十年八年以上. 此外, 101基金的保險內容微不足道, 可以不理.
I should kill my insurance agent! (I am 醫生K)
Ppl talk about this issue coz it is the time market goes down and everyone seems very easy to be touched by these kind of experience.. but think about that, when the time all investments are doing good, you seldom hear these kind of complains!! 輸打嬴要~
And not all companies, products, agents are doing the same practice.Pls be fair. You are "speaking" in public and so, mind your own words.
冇錯, 買左搵笨保險產品, 蝕四成算係少, 蝕七成都好common, 蝕到得番D渣都唔係奇事.
Only if you not listening clear those details... They are still investments and you should know there is a thing called "market", Doctor K redeme his things when the market goes down, that is the FACT. 0005 also goes down more than 40%. Funds doesn't mean you can close your eyes but u need to know how long you investing and the target growth like 10%. when it reach the target growth, there is something you need to do.(diff companies, or products hv diff choices. not all company charge you to step back to the parking fund, that is why u need to know what u buy, what your target, what's your choice etc.) Also, not 保險產品, even more complains from banks' products. You can find those cases from internet. Pls do some reserach before you speak.
"how long you investing and the target growth like 10%. when it reach the target growth, there is something you need to do."
I believe that you are CFP or agents.
10% growth is your target, how long?
you act as a speculator, pls show your result.
I sure you are a big loser.
It was just an example and diff ppl hv diff needs. Also, in this small box, that's all I can type. maybe i should write a letter to somewhere? My act is not a speculator. Show result? Do I need to do so? As ppl writing on paper can speak nothing, I think I have speak too much already.Hence, I believe as a person who write for media, mass communication, there is some responsibility, right?
And you pay the price for speaking without researh and responsibility, when you called me a big loser.