但說來奇怪,在立法會眾多功能組別的議員當中,一般的做法是由該功能組別 (其公會) 推薦其代表出來參選,醫學界如是,法律界如是,但本屆會計界代表譚香文(女士) 議員卻不是由香港會計師公會推選出來。由香港會計師公會推薦的香港會計師公會本屆會長陳茂波 (Paul Chan) 卻在選舉中落敗。小沙很好奇,因有資格的選民一定是香港會計師公會會員,而譚議員在當選前在會計界是冇人認識的。公會會員為何選她呢?
就小沙所知,她之所以當選,跟長毛 (梁國雄議員) 當選很相似。當時的公會會員內心對公會 (就如市民對主要政黨) 十分不滿,在不想公會推薦的人當選的情況下,惟有投一位獨立參選者。
小沙記得公報結果當天,陳茂波滿心準備當選並接任同是代表公會的李家祥 (陳於近年接受訪問時更表示當年已準備好慶祝活動)。在當天的各大網上會計論壇及newsgroup 更有很多會員爭相了解當選的譚香文是何許人!
更奇怪的是,身為會計界代表的譚議員,在投票時往往跟會計師公會的意向對立。舉例在政改方案時 (先不要想業界是否支持),當時會計師公會投票前 (正常地) 向其會員發出問卷,收集問卷後所得出的業界意向為支持政改方案,但尊貴的譚議員竟投出反對票。跟業界有仇嗎?
其後,香港會計師公會及譚議員更分別在公會刊物及議員刊物中互數對方不是。公會指譚議員未有根據其問卷調查所得出的業界意向投票。譚議員就聲稱公會在發出公會刊物及問卷時刻意抽出其提出反對政改方案的文章,並聲稱公會的問卷有問題 (帶有導向性),使結果不能作準。
自從回歸後香港會計師公會自行引入由特許會計師組織 (Chartered Accountants Bodies) 協助製成的專業考試 (QP) 及得到各海外特許會計師組織承認後,開始自命自己為世界公認會計師組織。更於2005年6月終止與特許公認會計師公會 (ACCA) 幾十年來的 (師徒) 合作關係,在2006年8月的新協議 (ARA) 中, ACCA 會員更正式喪失與香港會計師公會的直接互認資格。
小沙相信,35歲以上的大部份公會會員都是由 ACCA 及香港會計師公會合辦的 ACCA Joint Exam 考取香港會計師資格,若現在 ACCA (師父) 被評為不達標準,是否表示公會中大部份資深會計師都不達標準呢? 還是要討好其他會計師組織呢?
HKICPA fire Donald
HKICPA rebranding spoof
HKICPA 最新趕客廣告:
Tute in da House
寫到這裡,小沙不敢再寫,因為..... "I can't beat a CPA" and "I should look up to a CPA".
6 則留言:
香港會計師公會是專業機構。在不少人眼中就是權威。這段短片擺明遭廣告奸商所害。定係公會搾壓廣告商價錢, 招來搵笨報復?
梁愛詩當律政司時期扮演王母娘娘娛賓已經被有識之士笑足幾年,不幸連香港會計師公會亦自製壞品味短片,自我降格為hip hop 這種在普世音樂領域上仍難登大雅之堂的地?館規格。
Brand promotion for CPA Australia:
You guys can see how professional image can be achieved .......
But not HKICPA style.....
Enclosed a complaint letter from one member and the reply to that member from HKICPA for reader reference....
Thank you for taking time to write to the Institute about our advertisements
and music video. I understand we have some members who feel the way you do
about the advertising and video, but we have many more who are big fans.
Many of our members have thanked us for helping to turn around the
perception of the profession as boring by using a lighter touch.
That said, we were careful to balance the jokey aspects of each element with
serious elements. You will have noted that in addition to the funny ads, we
have serious one-minute "infomercials" explaining the importance of the
profession to Hong Kong as a financial centre and the well being of all of
us. We filmed six of those "informercials" and only three fun ones. For
CPA Day we put most of our money behind the serious advertisements in major
newspapers and emails sent to members reminding them to wear their pins for
CPA Day. The serious information consumed the bulk of our budget but
doesn't seem to have garnered any attention. Perhaps this is why
advertising consultants urge their clients to use humor in advertising and
marketing - to get attention and by all means not to damage the reputation
of the profession.
I'm very glad you wrote to us to share your views and I hope you keep your
comments coming.
Sincere regards,
Mindee Hansen
Director, Communications
------- Original Message -------
Date: 2006/09/13 02:42:27 PM
As a professional body, I wish the institute can demonstrate its
professionalism in a proper and solid way. The recently series of
advertisement is abysmal which I am pretty sure, and agreed by all my
colleagues, has severely damaged the image of professional accountancts.
This is definitely a marketing blunder. The hip-hop movie clip is making
itself and all HKICPA members a joke in the accounting and auditing industry
and another professional bodies.
I appreciate that the institute is making its effort in promotion but not in
such a improper manner. I seriously hope HKICPA will rethink about its
marketing campagin, and stop wasting money to downgrade the image of HKICPA.
Look at ACCA\'s marketing campaign and you should b e able to discover how
\"crap\" it is for ours.
Perhaps HKICPA has received quite a large number of letters of complaint about this controversial MTV. There might be a mini risk management going on within HKICPA.
I hope 渣估 is not a schizophrenic as I found what he'd written in his blog on this subject does not tide with what I read here.
俺個 fan 同俺都寫左信去,回覆一樣行,risk management strategy: let time do its work and wish that people would forget....
寄望佢地下次做得好d 啦.