星期五, 10月 20, 2006

梅菲定律 Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law 譯為“梅菲定律”,常用於表示放之四海而皆準的真理以及不可違抗的規律。梅菲定律的原句是這樣的:If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.(如果有兩種選擇,其中一種將導致災難,則必定有人會作出這種選擇。)

愛德華·梅菲(Edward A. Murphy)是一名工程師,他曾參加美國空軍於1949年進行的MX981實驗。這個實驗的目的是為了測定人類對加速度的承受極限。其中有一個實驗項目是將16個火箭加速度計懸空裝置在受試者上方,當時有兩種方法可以將加速度計固定在支架上,而不可思議的是,竟然有人有條不紊地將16個加速度計全部裝在錯誤的位置。

於是梅菲作出了這一著名的論斷,並被那個受試者在幾天后的記者招待會上引用。 幾個月后這一“梅菲定律”被廣泛引用在與航天機械相關的領域。經過多年,這一“定律”逐漸進入習語範疇,其內涵被賦予無窮的創意,出現了眾多的變體,其中最著名的一條也被稱為 Finagle's Law,具體內容為:If anything can go wrong, it will.(會出錯的,終將會出錯)。並且錯誤常接二連三。



From: HKICPA [xxxx]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 12:38 PM
To: [xxxxx]
Subject: Press Releases

Press Releases

Dear Council and committee members, and the secretariat,

This week we issued two press releases, one of which was a statement from the Council regarding our distribution of materials for the LegCo representative Ms. Mandy Tam.

We received outstanding coverage on this issue from the most prestigious and influential media commentators in Hong Kong, including RTHK and Sing Tao with most of the news reporters reporting the Institute's side of the story . The statement was preceded by coverage in the Hong Kong Economic Journal in the form of a commentary article signed by our Chief Executive, Winnie Cheung and a story by Enoch Yiu in the "White Collar" column of the South China Morning Post. Taking this high profile approach had the added and unexpected benefit of positioning the QP as a prestigious qualification that's right for Hong Kong now, which is the best news coverage the QP has received to date.

On the negative side, Ms. Tam was quoted in South China Morning Post's "Political Animal" column on 11 October as saying the Institute has played a "dirty trick" on her by making the announcement while she was attending her father's funeral. (Note: We became aware of her personal tragedy only shortly before the letter to her was issued.)

The issue is not over, however, and we are closely monitoring the news to ensure we are prepared for any new plot twists.

The second press release was the Institute's reaction to the HKSAR Chief Executive's policy address on 11 October 2006. We were mentioned in four stories yesterday.

Please call me or xxxx xx should you have any questions or comments about these media initiatives.

Sincere regards,

Minxxx Hanxxx
Director, Communications
Hong Kong Institute of CPAs
Tel: 2287 xxxx
Fax: 2865 xxxx

CPA: The Success Ingredient



留意信的開始 "Dear Council and committee members, and the secretariat"!!

而朋友說晚上收到公會另一電郵說明上述電郵是寄錯了給所有會員,叫朋友 delete 喎!!

老友說, "今天將內部文件寄錯了給所有會員, 不知幾時將所有會員的私人資料寄錯給不應收到的人手裡"

小沙即同老友說這錯誤是有名堂的,叫 "梅菲定律Murphy's Law" 所謂Murphy's Law, 因流傳已久已經變成「諷刺」的代號, 而我們的生活中的確充滿諷刺。正如我們中國人的 "福無重至,禍不單行". 即不利之事情往往接二連三,危機可一浪繼一浪地此起彼落,故為政者需有充分的危機意識...

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

馬仔: 記得睇今日am730 中環博客!