星期四, 9月 04, 2008











(以上為完整版 Uncut Version)











9 則留言:

匿名 說...

It's a pity that I cannot participate in the forum, however, I did watch the later half in HKICPA's WEBCAST by internet.

Though you may find it less than 1% of all members, I may think that it's really hard for one (include me) to attend the forum by 6pm.

I am passionate on this election too even though I didn't attend it in person. I watched those other forum which I can search in Youtube, and those links posted by you too. Thanks a lot! Your links save me a lot time to search.

This is the first time I can vote in Accountancy functional unit, I won't want to waste my vote. So, it's my responsibility to each candidates. And so do all of us, right ?

Let's vote on 7Sept

匿名 說...

以陳茂波與HKICPA以及各大小事務所的友好關係, 就算陳茂波真的攪一個工會出來, 我唔相信真的幫到業界從業員爭取利益. 因為從業員的利益全是由陳茂波鐵票陣的荷包中掏出來的...可以預計他的工會都是攪d course出來比d平d價錢儲cpd之類...

匿名 說...

我相信如果龔耀輝要說對不起, 這應是一個代表公會說給會員的對不起. 這個對不起應該由Winnie Cheung親口說出來, 而不是龔耀輝為了選票而代她說.

匿名 說...

我到今日為止, 都唔明大家咁著意呢D talk show.

唔通, 大家會認為我地果幾位人兄,
會當住大庭廣眾, 講一d 不中我們的說話??

匿名 說...



匿名 說...

Ms Tam must be very pissed. Please read the 5th paragraph, where she said "Technically I did not due HKICPA."

Was "due" supposed to be a cantonese swear word?



This is a reluctant topic that Paul Chan forces me into writing today.

It may be just counter-intuitive. But the fact is, I am the one least vocal in public on the issue of JR and on the happenings leading to it.

It is factual, however, that recently the issue of JR has been frequently brought up in election forums (believe it or not, altogether ten forums were held). More often then not, it was the other candidate who brought up the questions to address the responsibilities of Ronald Kung and Paul Chan, both as members of the Council that decided to stop my mails.

Personally, I had kept a very low profile on the JR while it was a favorite of the press. I had not taken a stance of victory when the JR decision falls in my favor. To me it was not a winning, but just a sad situation that damaged the image of our profession at large through the illegal acts of the Council.

For the first time on record, I am also dispelling the general misbelief about the lawsuit. Technically I did not due HKICPA. I did not sue for damage. JR is a special process under the English legal system whereby a review could be made by the Court as to whether a public body has done wrong. At best, when I win the JR, the HKICPA would be ordered to resume the service. At worst, I could have lost HK$5 million. As accountants you all know this is not a profitable proposition. The odds are against me. I gamble with all my monies for zero payout, but the Council gambles with members’ money.

If I lost, I would be a bankrupt, and I could not hold my Legislative Councilor position any more.

Was I crazy to do it?

I looked for my answer deep in my soul. If there was only one thing I have to do as a Legco member, what was it?

My answer is: if I cannot uphold freedom of speech and the members’ right to know, i.e. by accepting the illegal sanction on my newsletter to members, I might as well not be qualified to hold the Legco membership.

Well the rest is history. The JR ruled that it was wrong for the Institute to stop the postal service for me. My relationship with the new Council has since been normalized.

What is also history was the untold part of what happened between Paul Chan and I before the JR and whether the Presidency of Paul Chan was a contributing factor to the JR.

This part of history was fully documented in Council papers. I had never said one word about it in the last 3 years. It was unfortunate that Ronald Kung during the debates mentioned the existence of these papers, and the fact about the alleged “table banging” by Paul Chan. In his rebuttal, Paul Chan made reference to a complaint letter I wrote to the Council on March 15, 2006. Paul said according to the letter I banged the table first. Paul even challenged me in the NOW forum (August 23) to publish the letter. Of course I do not think it a good idea, for it is in my opinion not very nice to expose him. I did not reveal the letter, as I always would not.

Yesterday morning (September 3), at the RTHK forum, Paul again openly challenged me to publish the complaint letter. This time, I decided that I should give it some thought. Last evening at the HKICPA forum I distributed the complete papers comprising four letters:

March 15, 2006, my complaint letter against Paul Chan
March 23, 2006, reply from HKICPA
January 16, 2007, my ultimatum letter to HKICPA
January 17, 2007, reply from HKICPA
For details please browse http://www.mandytam.com/mini/b5_event_detail.php?date=1220284800

At midnight last night, Paul also posted his comments on my complaint letter of March 15, 2006.

I will not discuss Paul’s responses and I leave it entirely up to you to formulate your view of the whole matter, now that 100% of the points of view from both sides are all opened.

I have only one question for Paul: why did he not reply to my complaint letter then, instead of now?

All I had been asking was an apology. He had turned it into a legal battle costing $5 million borne by all members.

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匿名 說...


我坐Winnie the pooh 後幾排,我都有留意到Winnie the pooh 好鬼慶 ^_^

匿名 說...

真是難以選擇! 原是希望選出的議員能替業界爭取利益,但看見候選人的表現及爭市論議題,真是無法接受,最後只能舉手投降!

匿名 說...

Mandy said she was the one least vocal in public on the issue of JR and on the happenings leading to it.

That's not my understanding.

She said if she lost, she would be a bankrupt, and could not hold her Legislative Councilor position any more.

She owns two properties at 星河明居. She is not poor.