星期五, 8月 24, 2007












23 則留言:



Abacus1 說...

Two thoughts to share:

(1) learn to respect the market and don't try to outsmart it every time, minimize decision making and you can spare yourself a lot of mistakes and commissions
(2) like Mr. Cho says, buy stocks, not market.

變幻原是永恒 說...

敵不動, 我不動, 以靜制動, 存夠錢等下跌時再入.

匿名 說...


馬沙 說...




匿名 說...

In my view, the asset/stock price is more or less priced upon people's confidence. If we still keep worrying about the price movement rather the company itself, we could only fall in various technical traps.

Luckily, I have bought some on Fri. But personally, I think another rally is coming when FOMC discuss about the rate cut.

匿名 說...

馬沙 u r such a crap...when the market went up, u said it was too high to buy....when there was panic selling last week, u said the index had further to fall...

匿名 說...

"when there was panic selling last week, u said the index had further to fall... "





匿名 說...



匿名 說...




KY 說...

I was the one who sold large amount of stock during last Friday(20/7)'s stock plunge (HSI down 1100 - 1200). No doubt, I incurred substantial losses in this volatile trade day.

However, as i know, a few big players were able to make "Great Profits" during this special trading day by buying a huge amount of stock after 3 p.m.- just after a slide of 1,200 HSI points. They seemed to be quite certain that the FOMC of US would lower the federal interst rate on the same day in USA daytime. My friend later confirmed to me she was consoled and assured by an acquainted financial consultant of a US Bank (ranked no.1) at 4:15 p.m.on that day that the FOMC would soon reduce the interest rate at that night. And it did happen as what she predicted.

I consider this was a great suspicious "insider trading" case of which many of the HK people were great losers. Could our SFC take the initiative, investigate into the matter and give us an answer?

匿名 說...



馬沙這段就點出春江鴨(insider trading)的問題,而SFC 對大戶insider trading不聞不問,係人都知。

匿名 說...

Who cares about the market? When HSBC traded at HK$130, even C9 knows there is value in the stock. I don't understand why 馬沙 and those so called conservative value investors did not put money where their mouth is.

Abacus1 說...


There are over 1,000 stocks in HK, of which at least 100 are quality ones, yet you can't find even one to buy during last week's correction is really mind boggling. I think you are either too clever
or conservative.

閒人 說...

I suggest you invest in batches. Otherwise, you will not buy even there is another down turn. No one knows exactly the future market trend, take action once the stock price is good.


匿名 說...

5971.hk gogogo

匿名 說...

I sold all my stocks (whether or not they made money or not) on 27/7 based on my own technical interpretation of the index and optimistic response of my colleague towards QDII news that day. The market has been dropping since then. The cash collected provide me bullets for the crash. In the last Wed, I started collecting 5 and 2628. On that Fri, I bought 5 and 3968 based on the believe that when the market is panic, you have to be greedy!

匿名 說...

I bought HSBC in the morning at $134 and dared not to buy more in the afternoon. I was too scary as I never experienced such wildly volatility in the same day. In the afternoon I was wondering if I should sell all my stocks to cut loss, I'm happy that I didn't make that stupid decision.


匿名 說...



匿名 說...


匿名 說...

呢頭李嘉誠叫人小心D, 果頭李兆基又勁吹自己投資年尾會有2500億。究竟邊句至真?

匿名 說...

正常的話, 我都唔夠膽入個市, 因實在太波動. 但我於8月10日仍以$4.23入了東風(0489), 只因看好其公司表現, 打算$4.8放手. 經歷了上星期五暴跌至$3.1又彈升回$4左右, 突然又出現「自由行」政策, 我個人就變得有點投機, 調升了賣出價, 打算星期五左右放手.

還有一些新仔師奶愚見, 我信李嘉誠先生話而家股市在高位, 太瘋狂, 也信之前有分析員指跌4成才算是調整 (那時約為21500點). 7月中, 甚至有電視報導話有恐怖襲擊威脅之類之類, 真可嚇到一些穩健投資者卻步, 日日睇佢幾時跌. 但我亦相信今天的市場, 某部份人忘了公司業績只為搵快錢, 明明次按仲有得爆, 但見東方剛有一班玩得火起的股市新仔手持大量資金, 排隊開戶要投資, 見識過他們掃LV就知他們有多厲害, 透過在香港這個自由股票市場, 快買快放, 托一托為升市, 就或多或少可吸引一班人投資, 再沽貨爾補之前在次按的失地. 加上升升降降, 「股神」開口宣示賺大錢, 弄得大夥心痕難擋, 這就不難明有一批人也認為自己恰當做「股神」, 連那些本打算手持資金待調整後入市的人都一日比一日眼紅, 變成忍不住盲目入市. 如此一來, 或能如廁所泵一樣, 吸一下收起, 大批新資金就沖晒入大海. 一個大好機會引入大量新錢救全世界市場, 邊會咁快玩死福地?

匿名 說...

17 Aug
Buy 3993 at 12.1

20 Aug
Sell 2823 at 218

27 Aug
Sell 945 at 299

28 Aug
Sell 3993 at 15.36