星期五, 9月 07, 2007






在這個Web 2.0年代,又有一班年輕會計師在網上論壇,試圖以「網絡就是力量」的互動威力,打破傳統,發起一個名為「一人一信,阻止香港會計師公會上訴」的行動,會否成功,且看Web 2.0的威力。如有會計師想參與,可在「馬沙筆記 http://charblogger.blogspot.com/ 」下載信件範本。




會計界上訴鬧內訌 《蘋果日報》





各位會計界同業、友好, 現有一份草稿,各位會計界朋友請自已作出修改,然後分發給友好、同事、同學們,請他們立刻發動一人一信行動,阻止公會諸公再犯錯誤。






1. 在公會落實提出上訴前,必須先諮詢會員的意見;

2. 若有需要,公會應召開特別會員大會,讓會員就是否提出上訴表達意見;

3. 公會必須盡最大努力維持與立法會會計界代表的合作關係,保障會計業界的最大權益,並在社會建立負責任的形象;及

4. 公會應協助立法會的業界代表與會員溝通。

若各位認同上述訴求,請簽署以下表格,並電郵至hkicpa@hkicpa.org.hk或傳真至2865 6603,謝謝支持!

會計界司法覆核關注組 謹啟

I support the above statement

香港會計師公會會員編號HKICPA membership Number:______________


1. SCMP: info@scmp.com
2. 蘋果日報電郵 webmaster@info.atnext.com
3. Mandy Tam: fax: 2537 1425 contactus@mandytam.com

An English Version:

Dear Fellow Accountants,

We are a group of accountants. We write to express our concern about the judicial review between Hon Mandy Tam, our LegCo representative and the HKICPA concerning the Institute’s decision to cease distributing Ms Tam’s newsletters to members.

The High Court has ruled that, “the decision of the Council to terminate the distribution of Ms Tam’s newsletters was made in consequence of errors of law, and is accordingly irrational”.

The Court ordered the Institute to pay for Mandy Tam’s costs. The Institute also has to pay its own costs, which include fees for two senior Counsels, one of whom was from England. It has been estimated that the total legal costs which the Institute has to pay amount to 5 million dollars. If the Council were to lodge the appeal, the legal costs would further be increased. This is an unacceptable waste of the members’ money. We have strong reservation whether the Institute should lodge an appeal.

We are now initiating a signature campaign via this email to advocate our views as follows:

1. the Council should consult its members before making any decision as to whether to lodge an appeal;

2. If necessary, the Council should hold an Extraordinary General Meeting to canvass members’ view before making any appeal;

3. the Institute should try its best to maintain a good working relationship with the Legislative Council representative of the accounting profession in order to safeguard the best interests of the profession; and to maintain a responsible image in the society.

4. the Institute should assist the Legislative Council representative to communicate with the members she represents.

If you agree with the above statement, please sign below and email the completed form to hkicpa@hkicpa.org.hk or fax it to 2865 6603.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Yours faithfully,
Accountants’ JR Concern Group

我支持上述的訴求I support the above statement
香港會計師公會會員編號HKICPA membership Number:______________


1. SCMP: info@scmp.com
2. 蘋果日報電郵 webmaster@info.atnext.com
3. Mandy Tam: fax: 2537 1425 contactus@mandytam.com




14 則留言:

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

I cannot understand why the two parties need to go to the court!

And why didn't HKICPA ask the memembers if they are willing to recieve Mandy's newletter before they stop senting the newletter.

Many memebers are very disapponited with HKICPA. First the "(in)famous advertisment and then this law suit.

匿名 說...


匿名 說...


匿名 說...


匿名 說...

We call for Corporate Goverance and yet our Institute act without - such important decisions should call for EGM by the management and not at the request of members. Didn't they know the requirements under Companies Ordinance? How then should we be facing our clients when our own Institute did not observe the practice they are promoting?

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

Why mix up the JR with a memorial service ??
From: HKICPA [mailto:ec+r-46e4fc2bc7a406.11155901@ecircular.hkicpa.org.hk]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 4:13 PM
To: 123
Subject: Letter to members re Judicial review

10 September 2007
Dear Mr. 123,
Letter to members re Judicial review
In late August, the court of First Instance overruled the Council's decision to cease distribution of the legislative counsellor's (accountancy) newsletter to members who did not ask for it.
A number of members have written to the Institute about this decision, which was made by the court in the judicial review brought against the Institute by the legislative counsellor.
Legal and financial implications - and members' concerns - will be a focus of Council's consideration about the next steps to take as they review the content of the judgment.
As you will appreciate, this is a matter that merits full deliberation along many dimensions. This deliberation, in turn, takes time. As soon as the Council has fully discussed the matter and come to a decision, we will inform you. In the meantime, other messages about the Council's actions regarding the Court's ruling have no basis in fact.
* * *
On a matter of more lasting importance to the profession, we will be holding a memorial service at 4:30 today in honour of our founding President, Sir Gordon Macwhinnie, at St. John's Cathedral on Garden Road. This service should remind us why being an accountant is important. Sir Gordon's life was an inspiration to those who knew him and he helped lay the foundation upon which we, as members of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, have built a world class profession. Please find the President's tribute to Sir Gordon and our early founders in the September edition of A Plus.

Sincere regards,
Winnie C.W. Cheung
Chief Executive & Registrar

匿名 說...

Winnie the Pooh 越來越九唔搭八。

另16:42分出E-mail remind你 a memorial service will be holding at 4:30 today,更加九唔搭八。

匿名 說...

Judicial Review 跟 Sir Gordon Macwhinnie 之死對會計師公會是同樣重要,但卻屬於 "大纜扯唔埋" 之兩回事, Winnie Cheung 女士今日竟然將其二合為一, 並以 Subject: Letter to members re Judicial review 來發給會員, 甚不得體也!

"CPA - the Success Ingredient!"


匿名 說...

或許在Winnie Cheung 女士心中,Sir Gordon Macwhinnie 之死,正正=會計師公會之死....

"CPA - the Success Ingredient!"

匿名 說...

近年會計師公會所做的事真係超硬膠,打開最新一期A-Plus,又整個什麼CPA beat MBA 調查報告....唉....點解係要踏住人來抬高自己呢?

匿名 說...


Old Old Cake : 這段文字可能已經出賣左你! 嘿!

匿名 說...

夏韶聲 Om Life :
好惊....好惊.....有名叫old cake即就來唔洗做.....唔好惊。
嘿! 嘿!